Indian Salwar Kameez Online - Sriveeras

The salwar kameez is a traditional Indian dress designed for women though during the initial phase of its creation it was worn by both the genders. Its existence can be traced back to Islamic Turko-Iranian phase and later to the rule of the Mughals. In fact even today in many countries with a legacy of Mughal rule, salwar kameez remains the preferred attire worn not only by women but also men. In a nutshell - salwar kameez remains one of the most liked attire of Asian women especially that of India. Salwar Materials Online , Chanderi Salwar Materials Online , Buy Salwar Materials Online Salwar kameez design and pattern over a period of time has undergone an evolution. Though the basic layout remains traditional, its image has evolved into more western type attire thanks to the cuts and sillhouttes which are western in concept. This implies that the kurtas are shorter in length, has deeper neckline and in most cases no sleeves. Thus when buying Indian salwar kamee...